Fordson 5cwt vans To see the mastering of this body shell, press
I've used my shell kit to produce three Fordson vans, two standard road ones with commercial logoing on, and a custom 'hot rod'.
All use the PCS32 standard slot car chassis, which the shell is set up for. One standard van is essentially 'out of the box', with a standard chassis and half-interior. The other two I have modded firther with front Ackermann steering - one of my own concoction using Airfix parts, and the other a steering unit for the PCS32 produced by Chase Cars. These two also have a custom-built full interior as well !

Above are, left to right, body in preparation, chassis and interior in preparation, and finally finished chassis and interior.
Below, left to right in columns are the 'out of the box' standard van, the standard van with modded steering and interior, and the modded 'hot rod'.